The Missing Link in Pedagogy

Breakdown a physical learning space into a plug-n-play model


Woodstock School


5 months


Post-its, Miro, Adobe XD

Project includes

User research

Ideation Workshops


The Premise

The Centre for Imagination at Woodstock School is an interdisciplinary space that encourages students to explore their creativity and imagination. Having found great success, they were approached by leading institutions worldwide in an attempt to replicate the model and foster similar growth.

The Problem

CFI resulted from the founder’s master's thesis and grew organically over time. How does one go about dismantling organic growth into a repeatable one, enabling others to integrate into their preexisting infra?

Relearning CFI through the students

Outdoor Learning Dotocracy

Outdoor Learning Dotocracy

The Solution

The stakeholders wanted the proposition in the form of a website. I decided to dive deep into the master thesis while backtracking the concept of CFI through student feedback to get as much data as possible. I planned to get hold of a repeating pattern at the basest level and see if scaling the same would fit the historical growth of the CFI model.

The journey of meaningful learning

The Vortex of CFI

Diving into the project

Post-data collection, I looked for patterns and found them in the form of fractals. Breaking down the data into the simplest form, it revealed a repetitive grid.

Prototyping Phase

Taking my findings I headed to XD to start prototyping the website for CFI model, called The Catalyst. The colour palette was inspired by the ones used by students during our co-creating activities, as a true testament to the user group. I started creating the linking content in the form of text and guiding principles, to bridge the gap between the “organic” approach of CFI’s ecological design-thinking approach to the more liner real-world incorporators.


With such a unique project, getting the bearing straight from the get-go was very important, and to be in constant feedback with the stakeholders and the current participants. The efficacy of communication to the end user will only increase with more real-world feedback.